8 Essential Car Maintenance Services for Teen Drivers and First-Time Drivers

As a teen driver or first-time driver, it's important to understand the basics of car maintenance. Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your car running smoothly and avoiding costly repairs in the future. Here are 8 of the most important car maintenance services that you should be aware of:Change your oil regularly. Oil is essential for keeping your engine lubricated and running smoothly.

Refer to your owner's manual to find out how often you should change your oil, as this can vary depending on the make and model of your car.

Rotate your tyres and check air pressure

. Every month, or every few refuels of gas, it's a good idea to check the air pressure in your tyres. Low tyre pressure can cause poor fuel efficiency and can even lead to tyre damage.

It's also important to rotate your tyres regularly, as this helps ensure even wear and tear.

Inspect oil and coolant levels

. Before any long road trip, it's a good idea to get under the hood of your car and inspect the oil and coolant levels while the engine is cold. Low levels of either can cause engine problems if left unchecked.

Consult the owner's manual to find both in your specific vehicle.

Change the engine air filter

. The engine air filter is what regulates the air that flows into the engine and helps keep debris and particles out. By ensuring that the air filter flows properly, you can improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and help ensure engine life. This can be easily done at home, so refer to your owner's manual for instructions and how often you should change it.

Check other parts


There are many other parts in your car that will require maintenance at some point in the life of your vehicle. Various fluids, bushings, bearings and engine components need to be retouched or replaced from time to time. Some may be ignored for a while, others practically forever.

Keep a record of maintenance

. Sticking to a car maintenance program and keeping a good record of what you've done can help extend the life of your vehicle and protect it from breakdowns, costly repairs, and other unwanted surprises.

Perform annual car maintenance


When you perform car maintenance at regular intervals, you keep your trip in good working order and help avoid costly mechanical repairs in the future. Plus, with an annual car maintenance service, you can replenish those oils and have the system checked for leaks and proper coolant levels.

Basic vehicle maintenance

. Basic vehicle maintenance keeps your car running smoothly and can prevent breakdowns and even accidents. The manufacturer's manual will tell you how often regular maintenance is needed and how often your car will need to be serviced.